People nearing the end of their life often need specialist care and support that is provided by experts working in the field. Increasingly though, people working in social care and health who are not specialists in this area find themselves working with people who are dying.

This course, while relevant for everyone, is aimed at those non specialist workers. It sets out the principles for working with adults at the end of their life, and describes the underpinning competences, knowledge and values they should have. Used alongside occupation-specific guidance, these 'common core principles' form a framework to guide managers and workers, helping to define the additional knowledge and competences needed when supporting someone who is dying.

Available courses

This course aims to support care homes in the delivery of high quality person-centred care which is well planned, coordinated and monitored while being responsive to the individual's needs and wishes.The aim is to support care home managers to: increase the number of people who have care plans in p…